

作文征文 2023-11-17

  长颈鹿(学名:giraffa camelopardalis):是一种生长在非洲的反刍偶蹄动物,拉丁文名字的意思是“长着豹纹的骆驼”。它们是世界上现存最高的陆生动物。互信范文网今天为大家精心准备了介绍长颈鹿的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助!


  giraffe is the tallest animal on modern land. it can be more than meters high, and its neck may be several meters long. however, there are only seven bones on the giraffe's neck, as many as humans.

  even a bird's bone is longer than every bone of a tall giraffe. although the bone on the human neck is very small, this makes the female giraffe give birth to a small one in a small hole fellow. this little giraffe was born about meters tall when she was eight years old.

  it has a long neck, and it can grow to the leather of trees.




  giraffes are one of the world's tallest mammals. they are well known for their long necks, long legs, and spotted patterns.

  giraffes have small "horns" or knobs on top of their heads that grow to be about five inches long.

  these knobs are used to protect the head in fights. male giraffes are larger than females.

  males weigh between 2.400 and 3.000 pounds and stand up to 19 feet tall! female giraffes weigh between 1.600 and 2.600 pounds and grow to be 16 feet tall.giraffes live in the savannas of africa, where they roam freely among the tall trees, arid land, dense forests and open plains.their long necks help giraffes eat leaves from tall trees, typically acacia trees. if they need to, giraffes can go for several days without water.

  instead of drinking, giraffes stay hydrated by the moisture from leaves.


  long long ago, there were three rabbits who lived in a far away forest - one white rabbit, one pink rabbit and one grey rabbit.

  one day, they went out playing. but suddenly, a big grey wolf came out behind the tree and wanted to eat them. the rabbits ran quickly, they ran to the river, saw a giraffe there, then they shouted:’ sister giraffe, the big wolf wants to eat us, please help us!’

  the giraffe put her neck over the river, and let the rabbits came to the other way. the wolf was very angry when he saw the rabbits run away, he went to the giraffe, but was kicked away by the giraffe. the rabbits says happily:’thank you, sister giraffe!’





